Olympics Adventure Pack
Welcome to the Olympic resource pack designed for all ages, but specifically appropriate for children,. Only happening once every four years, the Olympics showcases people who have trained and shown dedication, commitment and focus and this is often something we want to apply to our own Christian journey. For some people on that journey it might be the first steps of hearing about God, for others it is deepening their faith. Wherever you or your group are this pack offers spaces of wondering and discovery about God.
Each ring is represented by a colour and we have applied this to an element of nature, that can be explored. We love engaging in the outdoors but know that not everyone has access to a suitable space and so many of the ideas are adaptable for indoors. But perhaps plan a picnic celebration for your last day at the local park or in the garden.
Each day has a main wondering page, then there are pages of games, crafts, snack ideas and a worksheet, some extra activities are included as well.