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You'll Never Guess what I did with my extra day...

I always have loved leap years, something mystical in the appearance of an extra day from nowhere, a change to the ordinary and where does it come from, how do we just end up with a whole extra 24 hours in the years?

The reality is, that for most of us (unless you are one of those amazing people who were born on February 29th), it's another day, full of things that are just like the other days. But I wonder if we treasured it, if we saw it as a gift day what we might chose to do?

As I have been trying to do for way too long, I spent some time changing round and updating the website. I know when I look to find something from my phone nothing works properly and its all a jumble and so I have tried to use the mobile designer to sort some of those gremlins. I've also moved some things so you can look at a month and see the items we have connected to it, some I used a bit of imagination with such as where does the Bee Trail or the Bear Trail go? Some are very much Northern hemisphere themed. Huge apologies for those who are from the Southern Hemisphere - do check the wrong months!

And so for February it is a really full month, with Candlemas, Pancake Day, Valentines Day, Polar Bear Day, Pizza Day, Groundhog or Hedgehog day, love trails and the start of Lent there are lots of resources that I really hope will be a blessing to you.

I am not a web designer and so it's a slow process and I am still working on the site, if there are things that don't work, please let me know. If you are aware of accessibility issues or think of a better format I'd love to know.

But as for my extra day I might not manage it on the 29th but I am going to choose to take a day, to treasure that day to dream, imagine, to value the hours, to go for a wander and chat to God... I wonder what are you going to do?


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