Fall in LOVE with February
This complete set is available from our store,
download for a donation or for free.

Groundhog Day
Celebrate the start of February again and again

St Brigid's Day
Saint Brigid lived a life of generosity, kindness, care. Make a cross or take time to reflect

Celebrate the dedication of Jesus at the temple with the inspiration of Simeon and Anna

Children's Mental Health Week
Take time to get outside and connect with where you are. This develops wellbeing, physical and mental health

6. Time to Talk Day
As part of Children's Mental Health Week take time to develop conversations with each other and God.

7. Send a Friend a Card Day
Our resource pack has two special cards to print off and make for a friend.

8. Kite Flying Day
Make a kite or organise a kite competition in your community.

9. Pizza Day
Celebrate Pizza Day with our pizza prayer page.

10. Umbrella Day
It doesn't matter what the weather is, every day is a day to celebrate. Our prayer sheet offers a different way to pray

Get away from the screens today and talk about keeping safe online. Our fun pack gives outside activities linked to familiar games

12. Full Moon - Snow Moon
Look up, wrap up warm and notice the glow from this winter full moon.

13. Natural Day
Download and follow our devotional set that helps you wander and wonder each day.

15. Hippo
Happy Hippo Day!

15. Nest Box Week
To celebrate Nest Box week download some ideas for recycling and creating new spaces.

16. Whale Day
Make the most of Whale Day- some great ideas or use our Jonah pack for ideas or holiday club.

17. Random Acts of Kindness
Ideas for kindness everyday or pick one for this day or week.

20. Love Your Pet Day
Pets offer connection to nature, growing understanding of care and support emotionally and physically. Well worth celebrating!

22. Bee Humble Day
Humble is a popular word right now, but the bible shared it first. Take time to reflect on the truth of this.

23. Gutenberg Bible Printed
It's easy to take forgranted that we can hold a printed bible in our hands, or even read it in from our phone. Celebrate this gift today.

24. Lantern Day
Light up your day with Lantern Day.

26. Tell a Fairy Tale Day
Celebrate stories and share your own by making up your own. Cut the squares and pick one at a time

27. Polar Bear Day
These amazing giants of the snow are well worth celebrating today.

Fairtrade Fortnight
Traditionally this is in February but has moved later in the year. It's still worth highlighting the opportunity to choose Fair-trade.